A sofa has two primary functions; it should be comfortable to sit in and nice to look at. WithSofo I hope that I managed to put together the equation. It is a modular sofa that despite from the few parts can be combined in several different combinations, ranging from a really smallcorner one to a long straight sofa.
“The purpose of this sofa was to create a deep, relaxing and great curl – up sofa without taking too much space in your home. And in terms of appearance with narrow sides that go down past the bottom, the idea is that it should look easy.”
The seat cushions are reversible and the upholstery is removable, which helps the sofa to live longer. As with almost all furniture from Ire Mobel there is a large number of fabrics and colors to choose from.
Depth 91 cm and hight 96 cm.
Price from 26 900 SEK.
Launched at Stockholm Furniture Fair 2015
If you want to try it you could find it at:
- Göteborg, Annorlunda Möbler
- Jönköping, Bredaryds Möbler
- Karlstad, Sonnelids
- Lammhult, Svenssons i Lammhult
- Lund, Miljögården
- Malmö, Svenssons i Lammhult
- Norrköping, KonterEtt
- Stockholm, Länna Möbler
- Stockholm, Stalands Åsögatan
- Stockholm, Stalands Kungens Kurva
- Stockholm, Svenssons i Lammhult
- Strängnäs, Bernhardssons
- Tibro, Ire Möbel
- Trollhättan, Möbelhuset Natti Natti
- Uppsala, Vålamagasinet
- Åre, Nivå Living